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Urgent translations - Quick translations for clients at AQualityTranslation

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What is the urgent translation system?

First of all, we will have to start by defining the concept of urgent translations.

- I guess there are translations that are made in a faster system. Not? Yes and no. Let's take a few more details.

We all know what a translation means and we all know the urgent idea. Nevertheless, let me give a representation, by the way this service is executed. Urgent translations are those made within a maximum of 24 hours after the original act was handed over.

urgent translations for any language

- Only that? Unfortunately, there are more details that come into this type of service. Let's continue...

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Depending on the number of pages and the language to be translated, it can be done in a longer or shorter time. Urgent translations are two times faster than regular translations. Upon their execution, one or more translators can participate in order to reduce the execution time. This translates into the emergency module.

- Do translators have to be in the same locality as the translation office to make translation faster? Fortunately, an urgent translation office can work with translators across the country. Our company applies the system of emergency translations for Bucharest (because it has the main point of translation work at Romana Square), but also for the rest of the localities in Romania.

For example: Translation can be done by a translation office in Bucharest. The client who wants the urgent translation can be from Galati and the translator can send the translation by mail (no matter where he is).

How long does it take to make an urgent translation?

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If the translation can be framed in 5 pages and will be made from Romanian in a foreign language or vice versa, it can take up to 24 hours. Of course, other factors can also be included for this service. Performing an emergency translation will also depend on the domain of the translation.

- You mean? For example: If Coca Cola wants to translate a document, then it will fit into the corporate translations segment.

For this type of urgent translations, increased attention needs to be paid, so the translation time can be up to 48 hours.

I want a translation from Albanian to German. How long can the translation work?

If the translation is done from Albanian in German or Italian to Croatian or from a foreign language to another foreign language (any other than Romanian), the execution time will vary. For the emergency system it can be handed over to 48 hours.

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- However, why is it so long? Even if the translated amount is 5 pages, the translation will be led by two translators. The first time it will be translated from the foreign language of the document into Romanian or English. It will then be translated into the final language by the 2nd translator.

If the translation was not an urgent translation, it would have been translated within 4 days of handing over the document.

+40 753-381-381

What are the languages for which an urgent translation is made and what is the price of it?

What are the languages for which the urgent translation model is being implemented?

Urgent translations are done for all types of foreign languages. They will be twice as fast as the usual translation system.

- Still... But what's different from normal translation?

For example: Although we have said earlier that an urgent translation may take up to 24 hours, we will reformulate it. Template translations (identity cards, passports, translation of car papers, etc.) will be made within a maximum of two hours. For other types of translations...

The translation for a document has a number of hours. If you turn to Emergency, the time to translate will be two or three times lower. To enter the 24-hour period the document will have to be translated from a Western language into Romanian or vice versa.

Any other language can increase the time used to translate.

Steps for an urgent translation

More translators will be searching for translations - > Sharing your translation into multiple documents - > Each page will be added to each translator - > At the end the translation will be regrouped.

+40 753-381-381

What is the price of an urgent translation?

The cost of an urgent translation usually increases by 50 percent compared to the usual price. Ex: A Romanian translation in Arabic costs 70 ron on the page.

An urgent translation for the same language will be priced at 105 Ron. Of course, an important factor is the execution time. If it is desired to deliver the translation within 6 hours, then the price will double.

The translation time is very important, and that's why it's very important for which version to choose. So you can opt for emergency services for 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours. Pricing will depend on the difficulty of the documents, the number of pages, and the time of urgency. Depending on the number of pages you can also make a discount.

- Still not displaying a price list? Until then, we posted a list of the price increase for urgent translations (the price is displayed according to the time used for translation):

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This will mean that if a translation from Romanian into English will cost on page 15 Ron. If it takes 24 hours to complete it, the following variants will follow:

So much about urgent translations. Thank you and we will look forward to other information in the future!

Other translation services provided by AQualityTranslationn

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Posted in The Translation Blog An AQuality blog | Updated in august 13, 2024

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