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Adjusted translations for auction systems. AQT comes with a new model of translations for auctions documents.
The term auctions translations is valid for translating documents designed for public or private auctions. Very often finding a translation firm for auctions can be a big problem. Why? ( read the article further )
First of all, a translation firm will have to be found, working with translators focused on auctions. All this must be done quickly and with great professionalism. Does this mean that translations for auctions have to be made as urgently as possible?
In order to show you how to improve the translation for auctions model, it will be necessary to translate the elements of the translated documents as accurately as possible. Accuracy among auction translations is essential. But let's list some of the documents that go into this field.
Among the documents translated for auctions we can list:
First of all, an experienced translator will need to make a translation for auctions. Another important factor is the confidentiality of information. The last factor in this type of translation is the promptness.
It seems quite simple and general when we enumerate all three elements. We can think that any person should have them. Unfortunately, a quality translation service is rarely met and these three factors have been well established for this domain.
Unfortunately, it does not fall under the category auction translations. Each type of translation requires a certain piece of knowledge. Translations are divided into certain categories. Technical translations are made by translators with extensive experience on the technical field.
Based on this type of translation, the translator will need to have technical knowledge. He will also need to know some editing programs.
Of course, the technical translation can be used in auctions, but it does not mean it can be considered a translation for the auction field. To learn more about technical translations, go here.
A translator can not translate these types of documents from the beginning. Why?
As we said in the above, one of the most important factors for translating is the translator's experience. In the area auctions translations, it will have to place words with the same sense in the context. A translation for auctions can not be done unless it has the same context as the original.
At first, translators, do not having much knowledge about their foreign language, tend to find similar meanings.
However, at the beginning of a translator profession, he can translate official documents of light difficulty to medium difficulty, and here we can refer to documents such as:
For such documents the level of difficulty is very low and requires a fundamental vocabulary. The documents deposited for an auction will have the level of difficulty ( from the terminology view ), well above the average.
Here's an example: Certificates for product or service security come in different forms. This means they do not appear in the form of a template, and in this case it will have to be translated with great accuracy.
The answer is no. Medical translations can be classified under the heading of medical translations and this is a specialized translations category. They are translated by people, who are based on an extremely varied vocabulary. However, specialized translation may enter an auction, as a stand-alone document, and will not be included in the category of auction translations.
Violation of privacy is an important factor for this type of translations.
Surely you have thought about this topic: "What could you do with the information you get?". The clear answer should be: A Lot Things. Information from a company related to a particular auction may result in the loss of the auction.
To reduce the risk, a confidentiality agreement must be signed between the two parties. The client in this situation is protected because it has a legal basis to justify that the documents are being translated by X, and will be a confidentiality agreement. This document is signed by each parties,and ensures that the informations obtained are kept secret.
The last element, that we'll enumerate is the promptness. It looks like a quality that you ask for a child. Unfortunately this is not the case.
Auction translations must be completed in time. Any extra hour can make you lose the auction, if everything wasn't done according to a fixed schedule. Translators are postponing their clients extremely and do not take the importance of the seriousness of the situation. That is why you have to be very careful, that in this situation you can work with a specialized translation office.
Auction translations must be completed in time. Any extra hour can make you lose the auction, if everything wasn't done according to a fixed schedule. Translators are postponing their clients extremely and do not take the importance of the seriousness of the situation. That is why you have to be very careful, that in this situation you can work with a specialized translation office.
Our auction translation office in Bucharest, is located at the Romana Square, at the zodiac block, no. 36-40. We can pick up translations anywhere in the capital. And now we have translations for Otopeni.
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Posted in The Translation Blog An AQuality blog | Updated in december 10, 2024
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