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Specialized translations ( for each domain ) AQualityTranslation

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What kind of translations are included in specialized translations? Medical Translations, Historical Documents, etc. AQualityTranslation will explain the specialized translations module. What categories of translations fall into this niche of translations and how complex they can be?

What are specialized translations? Specialized translation services

Technical translations

Translations for auction

Why do we call them specialized translations?

AQualityTranslation wants to best explain this niche of translations. Mismatches between specialized translations and technical translations can often be confused. In order to better understand this process, we will describe it in a bigger detail.

Any domain has certain terms that are specific to it. In plastic surgery are terms such as: abdominoplasty, blepharoplasty, liposculpture, otoplasty or brachio-plastica.

These terms are not always handy and must be understood before being translated. Their understanding will allow the translator to place them according to the context. This will mean that you have to know the domain very well.

- How does the type of specialized translations work? Imagine there are 27 sub-domains in medicine, other than paraclinical specialties, alternative and complementary medicine.

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Each of these subdomain has terms that defines and delimit them from the others. Here is the type of specialized translations! And, because I have numbered the sub-domains of medical translation area, imagine how many subdomains with complex terms would could exist.

Specialized translations will need special treatment. For this reason documents that are in a specialized niche can not be translated with the same usual emergency regime. They need to be analyzed and the right translators must be searched for each type of translation.

Does your translation office in Bucharest do specialized translations?

Our translation headquarters is close to the Romana Square, Dorobanti Street, no. 36-40. Our company is in Bucharest and makes specialized translation, corporate translations, technical and juridical translations.

We work with a large number of translators and we want to work only with the best. But enough with praising our company and let's start by giving you some details about how we do the specialized translations.

Does your translation office in Bucharest do specialized translations?

Specialized translations are considered to be among the most complex types of translations. It relies heavily on accuracy and consistency of translation. For this kind of translations, context, terminology and specific content will have to be examined.

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To better define and explain specialized translations, we will make a simple example. We started with medicine, and we place a more specific example like plastic surgery. And we will continue to bind to the same example. I have listed some of the general terms above. Let's say we have to translate these terms and place them in a context.

First of all, we need to find out if the terms are too harsh for an ordinary translator. If they are very difficult then we will need to find a translator specialized in this field. If the terms cannot translates, then we will have to replace them with a synonym.

There may be cases where we will not even find a similar word and then we will have to call upon a definition or a shorter sentence that we could define. So it's very hard to make a specialized translation, and that's why it will take a lot of experience.

How can I tell if the office or translator is able to make such a translation?

We can never be sure that the outcome will be in line with the plan. But there is a possibility... If you ask for a portfolio of the translation office or translator, to notice that he has done such translations, you will have a start. Of course, not being specialized in your own niche, it will not you will see if the result was a total success or failure.

So you will need to ask for the testimonials of the clients who worked on such translations. Testimonials can be written or video. These can be found on the website of the translation office. This way you can be sure of the truthfulness of the information and you can trust it further.

Requirements for specialized translations

However, we do not ask a lot of things from a translation office?

traduceri specializate tipuri si exemple

No, because the quality is supported by the price. That is why it will be needed that the translators to be focused on a specific areas. There will be two categories of translators: for technical fields and translators with an extremely rich vocabulary. The technical translations will be done by translators with abilities in this field, capable of working on certain platforms.

They will have to understand the product from a technical point of view. They will also not be related to specialized translations, where translators will have to rely more on a varied vocabulary. Specialized translations will be primarily done by experienced translators.

- How much will the price of a specialized translation? If the specialized translation contains many terms in this specialized sector, the price should rise by 100%. The level of work is higher, because research will have to be done for each word.

When the level of difficulty increases, then the price on the page will increase. In order for the company to demonstrate that it deserves the money, it will have to prove that they are able to complete projects of greater complexity. And this can only be done through a successful portfolio.

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How much can the price of a specialized translation increase compared to an ordinary translation?

For a single specialized translation page, the amount may exceed the price of two simple pages, with the same number of words. I mentioned earlier that a specialized translation requires up to 3 times more time than a normal translation.

A regular page can be translated between 15 and 45 minutes, depending on the translator's experience and his typing ability.

For one specialized term it takes about 3-4 minutes. If there are 20 terms on a single page, then you can reach 80 minutes for their translation. And let's not forget that all of these terms must be framed in context. On the AQualityTranslation site, we have specialized translators in all the fields.

Because of this, the price may become double or even triple. Everything will depend on the number of specialized words. So much about specialized translations. Thank you for coming with us until the end.

Other translation services provided by AQualityTranslationn

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Posted in The Translation Blog An AQuality blog | Updated in december 10, 2024

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