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Spanish language, generalities and dialects

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General things in Spanish language

Spanish is like a Portuguese and Italian language a Romanic language. Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages and is one of the six official languages of the UN. Spanish is part of vulgar Latin, and is currently spoken by about half a billion inhabitants of the planet.

The number of speakers is currently being exceeded by only Chinese, with a total assets of around 1.5 billion. At the turn of the Middle Ages, both Spain and Portugal became some of the most powerful states in the world. Due to the expansion of the two, Spanish has spread to many continents and to many countries.

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Spanish language is currently spoken by the vast majority of Spanish residents. Why the vast majority? Not all Spanish residents speak Spanish.

Spanish generalities and dialects

Unfortunately, there are some areas in Spain where Spanish is replaced by other foreign languages. In the northeast, where Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands are spoken Catalan. This is spoken by 4.5 million inhabitants.

This is considered the largest area in Spain where another language is spoken, other than Spanish. Besides this area is also the northwest area where the Galician language is spoken. The area in question is called Galicia, and the language is spoken by 2.5 million inhabitants.

Where are the most Spanish speakers?

South America is the continent with the most Spanish speakers. Countries with the largest number of Hispanophones are in Mexico and Argentina. Thus, Spanish is the official language for countries like Bolivia, Peru, Costa Rica, Honduras, Cuba, etc.

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In addition to these countries, there are other states in South America where the official language is other than Spanish, but most of the inhabitants speak Spanish. The country where this situation is met is Belize.

According to the latest US census in 2006, we find that 44 million inhabitants speak Spanish. Also, we now learn that Spanish is one of the most taught in the US. Although Spanish has so far not been officially recognized as the official language of the United States, we find that it is predominantly spoken in New Mexico.

Spanish is currently spoken by 30% of New Mexico residents. Moving to other continents we learn that Spanish was and still is the official language in states such as the Philippines. Unfortunately, here is a completely different example. Although Spanish is official, it is not spoken by most residents. In the Philippines, the Spanish language circulates in another form, called Creole Language, and is spoken only by 700,000 inhabitants.

Spanish dialects

Spanish has many dialects. One of the most recognizable is the ceceo dialect, spoken only by the inhabitants of Andalusia. Another widespread dialect of Spanish is seseo. It is spoken in the Canary Islands and most of Latin America.

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Another dialect that we will enumerate is voseo. It is a new dialect, which is growing more and more. It is predominantly spoken in countries like Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Other recognized Spanish dialects are Judeo-Spanish, Spanish creole and papimiento. Papimiento is currently being spoken in the Netherlands Antilles and is made up of the Portuguese grammar and the Spanish vocabulary.

The Spanish creole consists of indigenous grammar and classical Spanish. This dialect is predominantly spoken in Cuba and the Philippines. How are translations made in Spanish, if there are so many dialects? Although Spanish has a lot in common with Aragonese, Catalan, Asturian, and Portuguese, it is quite a strict language in grammar rules.

It has a very good vocabulary and the grammar of the Spanish language is very strict. It can reach the level of a professional translator for Spanish only after 10 years of experience.

So far for Spanish. For more details, go to the wikipedia page to learn more about the Spanish language.

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Posted in The Translation Blog An AQuality blog | Updated in February 16, 2025

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