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Romana Square ( History and shopping center in Bucharest )

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Romana Square is currently one of the most important shopping areas in Bucharest. However, it is a historical space, having a history of more than 200 years. Most of the buildings in Romana Square are recorded in heritage pamphlets.

It is a beautiful area where the most diverse range of services in Bucharest is found. However, Romana Square is not an area of commercial interest (there is no hypermarket, a very large market, etc.). But most services are concentrated in this area. But let's start with the beginning and present a little of the history of the Romanian Market.

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A small part of the History of Romana Square

It is said that in 1761, according to the Franciscan monk Blasius Kleiner, the first recording of the city of Bucharest took place. This information is unfortunately contrary to history because in 1410 Mircea cel Batranum is Bucharest, "Our Fortress".

But let's see how many data we gathered from 1410 until 1761, when the first record was made. In 1562 the church of St. George was built. Since the beginning of the seventeenth century the city has begun to develop on the right side of Dambovita.

In 1595 Sinan Pasa prayed the city of Bucharest, burning it and turning all the churches into mosques. In 1659, Bucharest became the capital of the Romanian Country. But enough about Bucharest, let's get back to the topic of the discussion and talk about the Romanian Market. Romana Square is more than 200 years old. Although we do not know the 1600 name, we have a map indicating the existence of this area.

Map of the city of Bucharest in the 1900s

Now we have to look at the maps and see if Romana Square was present in the past. The map is from the 16th century. Analyzing the two maps very well we can see that the shape of the Romane Square district dates back to 1600. At the moment Romana Square is between North Railway Station, Stefan cel Mare and Obor Square.

We can see through the map that the Roman Square was present in the 16th century. But let's take a little further and see the map of Bucharest in 1900. The map contains a part of Bucharest, and analyzing it can still see the existence of the Romanian Market.

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Romana Square after 1900

Although Roman Market was not an emblem of political significance, it has become over time an area with many mysteries and legends. In the center of the Roman Square there is the statue Lupa Capitolina, which is more than 100 years old. At the beginning of the 20th century, Romana Square became one of the most important shopping centers.

Also at the beginning of the 20th century, the Romana Square was called Lascar Catargiu Square.

It is said that the name of Piata Romana comes from the current Mihai Eminescu Street, formerly called Romana Street. Romana Square became one of the key points of the city of Bucharest, with the year 1916. This year the building of the Academy of Economic Studies was built. The first construction of the Academy of Economic Studies was twice as big, and will gradually become what we see today.

Romana Square one of the most important shopping centers in Bucharest

After the advent of the Academy of Economic Studies, Romana Square became one of the most important shopping centers. Even in the communist era, Romana Square multiplied the number of places and could be considered one of Bucharest's nightclubs. It was very close to Patria cinema, as well as other places.

Nowadays, it is an important area for cafes, pubs and hotels. The annual turnover is estimated at around $ 60 million per year in this area. It is a fairly busy area and that's why there are over 7 bus stops and a subway station. I said earlier that this is an area that is quite important for the positioning of services. So let's describe some of the Romanian market services.

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In Romana Square there are the most notary offices throughout Bucharest. Also, here you can find the most plotting and copying centers. If you need the authorized translation of a document you will be able to use the various translation offices in Romana Square. The translation offices will work with authorized translators and it will be extremely easy to legalize them, being very close to notary offices.

Moreover, if you have a lawsuit or you need legal assistance, you will be able to meet the numerous law firms. Here you will also find creative and advertising companies, as well as work points for creating ads.

About this area of Bucharest. We look forward to other interesting information in the future.

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Posted in The Translation Blog An AQuality blog | Updated in august 11, 2024

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