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Portuguese is part of the Romance language category, and Italian is also part of the same category. It is a living, colorful and extremely easy to learn foreign language. It is one of the most widely circulated languages in the world and is spoken on all continents. Portuguese is the official language in countries we already know as speakers of this language: Brazil and Portugal. But let's find out more information. Besides these countries, Portuguese is the official language in Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau. It is in the top 6 of the most widely used languages worldwide, being spoken by more than 200 million inhabitants of the Planet.
Portuguese was spread quite easily, with the expansion of the Portuguese Empire, the empire which maintained commercial standpoint by 1999. Being a very easy language to learn, it was absorbed by many people. Portuguese is currently spoken by 12 million people in Europe and 188 million in South America. This is how CPLP or the Community of Portuguese-speaking countries, formed of eight independent states, formed a few years ago.
Being a Latin, it is a foreign language very easy to learn for the Romans.
Why is Portuguese easy to learn for Romanians?
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The vocabulary and grammar of the Portuguese language is very similar to that of the Roman language. If you are a knowledgeable Spanish, you will have the opportunity to learn this language much faster.
We will put some similarities between Portuguese and Spanish vocabulary.
First of all we know that the Portuguese language is very similar to the Spanish language of the vocabulary. Thus, if a Spanish connoisseur learns to learn Portuguese, it will come as a glove. It is said that 80% of the two foreign languages have similar lexicons. We can also find out that a Spaniard will always understand a Portuguese, and the rule applies to the other way around. Both foreign languages have known glory, when they colonized very powerful communities in the discovered territories. If Spain colonized Mexico and Argentina, Portugal expanded into Brazil, the country with the largest area in South America.
Like any other Latin, Portuguese has a varied and rich vocabulary. For beginners, this language is very easy to learn and understand. Everything gets complicated when you deepen the study for that language. At the base, Portuguese is a Latin language with many influences. And as every Latin language has a very easy to learn basis, but once it is deepened, everything becomes more and more complicated.
Specialty areas in Portuguese as well as in any other Latin language have a very large number of terms and features. Thus, a translator know how to translate very well in Portuguese and vice versa. And, to deepen, you will have to know the field of translation very well. Both Portuguese and every other Latin language become very difficult to use when you use more and more terms in a field. For example, in the legal field, you will find that in Portuguese there will be over 12,000 terms.
Thus, I learned that Portuguese is a beautiful language, easy to learn to a certain point. We know that nearly 200 million people speak this foreign language. These were the conclusions of the article. Thank you for coming to us and recommending other articles about other foreign languages.
Posted in The Translation Blog An AQuality blog | Updated in august 8, 2024
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