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Juridical translations 2025 ( AQualityTranslation )

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What are the terms used in juridical translations?

Juridical translations can only be made by translators with many years of experience. That's why the price can increases for this particular translations with over 30%.

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What is the point of juridical translations?

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What are juridical translations?

The term juridical translations is manifested through several categories of documents: court testimonies, legislative acts and court demonstrations. This kind of translations can only be accomplished by authorized translators with experience in the field.

Among them are juridical documents that do not come in a simple pattern. The translator must have over 5 years experience in the field of translation to reach to a level of translating juridical documents.

- I want to see some examples of juridical translations!Examples of juridical translations are:

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The list of foreign languages for which we have juridical translators available

traduceri juridice legalizate informatii

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Who needs to make juridical translations and what can happen if I make a juridical translation with a beginner?

The translator will have to be authorized by the Ministry of Justice, and he needs to have a great experience in the field.

Translations require extremely high accuracy, because at the slightest mistake an entire process can be lost. Such juridical translations do not have to be left on the hands of beginners because it can take a lot of time to lose and you can lose a lot of money.

Does the price differ for a juridical translation compared to an ordinary translation?

However, their price may also vary depending on the number of words on the written page. For example, a 300-word page is 50 percent cheaper than a page with 450 translated words.

If the juridical translation fits into a certain pattern then the price is lower?

The answer is quite simple: The difference is from one translation agency to another. Each juridical translation office in Bucharest that respects itself may have a much lower price for a registration certificate or for a constitutive document.

Usually in this category only translations can be entered on a particular template.

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What do I need for juridical translations?

For a juridical translation will I have to leave the original or the copy thereof?

It depends on you if you want to legalize the translation. In most cases, the translation will have to be based for a juridical case, and in this case the translation will have to be legalized.

This can only be done with the notaries offices that have listed those translators. De exemplu: Dacă mergeți la o companie de traduceri în București și, în continuare, veți dori ca traducerea să fie legalizată, compania de traduceri va legaliza un notar. Notarul are traducătorii înscriși în baza lor de date.

If the translator is on the notary list, he will give his consent and will send the translated act for legalization. In this case, the original will be needed. You can not legalize the translation unless the translator is on the list of notaries where you will want your documents to be legalized.

What should I do if I can not leave the original for legalization?

If you can not leave the original, you will need to make a certified copy to a notary office. The translation will be done according to the legalized copy by the same method as described in the previous question.

+40 753-381-381

Repeat: The copy must be legalized by a notary and it should not be a simple xerox copy.

Where can I find your juridical translation office?

Our juridical translation Bucharest office is at Romana Square, but we also have a working point in Otopeni. Documents can be handed over, to our headquarters at the Romana Square and can be taken from the translation meeting points in Otopeni or directly from our headquarters.

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Posted in The Translation Blog An AQuality blog | Updated in december 10, 2024

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