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Corporate translations ( translations for companies and corporations )

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What are corporate translations?

This time we will detail the term of corporate translations. So, damn it! The term corporate translations is the identical transformation of a text from one language into another foreign language. The translation will have to be as accurate as possible and will have to have the same meaning as the original text.

Each domain will have certain terms that belong to it. These will have to be translated with the same meaning and substance.

- So ... and ... Corporate do not forget! For corporate translations, terms should have the same meaning as when the translation is done.

We will not come in to give more details about the corporate field because I described this economic niche in the Bucharest corporate translation page. But for further information, we leave this knowledge in the hands of So, more about corporate analysis in Romania.

corporate translations for small companies and corporations

Corporate translations are based on corporate terms. This type of service appeared in 2007, with the emergence of corporate firms in Romania. The corporate market first appeared in the city of Bucharest, evolving and growing every year.

+40 753-381-381

The corporate domain needed to collaborate with other subsidiaries (from other countries), a way to express the message as accurately as possible. For a clearer understanding of the message, it had to be translated... Thus the corporate translations model appeared.

Why are corporate translations different from other types of translations?

All types of translations are different from each other. Everyone can use a certain type of language that is intended only for the domain. If you use only words from this niche in the field of medicine, economic, legal, technical, etc. words will be used for corporate translations.

- Okay. So this will mean that for this model of translation will have to be a translator in the economic, legal, etc? Not quite, not exactly! Corporate translations, although they are composed of terms from other niches, will need to adapt to another model of expression.

+40 753-381-381

For the type of corporate translations, any kind of translations will have the same meaning and expression as the mother text. For example: The term "barter agreement" is an economic term, meaning "exchange of goods of equal value between two companies without the intervention of money transfers".

This term will be translated into a foreign language with the same economic expression and the same formula. Using simple economic terms, the term will have a simpler direction. However, at the level of a corporation, he will have to get a different meaning.

Who can make this translation model?

- This will mean that you will need a specialized translator on corporate translations? Yes and no. He can also make other translations altogether. The only difference is his experience in this field.

- You mean? Translated translations are mostly done by experienced translators in the field of translations.

Moreover, the translator will need to be familiar with corporate terms (economic, legal terms, etc.). That is why he will have to have worked for at least a year on the corporate financial market.

- Only those who have worked in the corporate field can do this kind of translation? Unfortunately, without having had experience with corporate firms, translations could not be made as coherent as possible.

+40 753-381-381

Besides these requirements...

In order to bring this service to the best possible quality, the translator will have to have at least 7 years experience in the field of translations. All this practice will give the translator the ability to translate the translation to a high level of professionalism.

- Why so many requirements for a translation? Corporations have very strict requirements. Wrong translation of a document can result in major losses or misinterpretations that may cost a lot in the future.

Therefore, it requires as many requests from the translator.

A portfolio of AQualityTranslation for corporate translations

Corporate translations for I'mpossible

Let's describe a part of our company's portfolio... AQualityTranslation has made corporate translations for the MBT company based in Otopeni. The translations for this company were included in the economic profile.

Unfortunately, more details can not be given because for a corporate translation, confidentiality between the two companies is very important. The data will have to remain secret and a confidentiality act will have to be signed. Also, each company will have to give us permission to be listed in the portfolio.

+40 753-381-381

Translations for Procter & Gamble

Another company that has entered our portfolio is Procter & Gamble.

- Bravo !!! So give a portfolio! The translations for this company have entered the legal field, and all legal terms have been adapted to the corporate field.

Just as with the previous firm, the data will have to remain strictly secret, so we will not go in for more details. For our portfolio we can also list other companies like Phenicia, Bog'Art, etc. All these companies can be contacted to confirm our collaboration.

Once again we mention that in order to be put in our portfolio, the company for which we have done the corporate translations has to give us their confirmation. So without your confirmation in the portfolio, the data remains displayed. With us you can have full confidence!

Thus, our work has been done for other companies for which anonymity was wanted. About corporate translations. We are expecting you with further information in the future. Thank you and we will wait for you further!

Other translation services provided by AQualityTranslationn

+40 753-381-381

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Posted in The Translation Blog An AQuality blog | Updated in august 13, 2024

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