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Translation verification services ( AQualityTranslation )

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Check for translations - for important documents

When verifying a translation? Who should check the translation? The translation verification service has become more and more important in recent times.

Why is it necessary to verify a translation?

+40 753-381-381

There are many translators and translators on the translation market, so it is very difficult to choose the company or person with the highest level of professionalism. Companies have lowered prices so much to gain more and more from the market, and from this equation, all three types of economic agents have suffered:

We will explain on this page several situations where the translation verification service is valid and the conditions under which its verification is applied.

Who suffers if the translation of an important act is not verified?

The customer will suffer in terms of document quality. He will be able to get a poor quality or doubtful translation. If the translation is not done by a translation office, then the only person being held responsible is the translator. The translator, who, from various factors, can rebate to quality. It will suffer from the point of view of the recommendations.

Finally, the translation office that carried out that translation will suffer. In order to keep your business in business, any company needs promotion, in order to win the clientele and keep it on the market. A very great contribution to getting customers, is the recommendation of the former clients.

What types of translations should be checked?

+40 753-381-381

If you are aware of the translator's experience and the quality of his services, no verification will be required. If you have doubts about the quality of the translation and its purpose is quite important ... ( read on ). Some situations may arise in which a translation check will be needed. These situations may occur when the translator does not have the necessary experience or is not specialized in the field.

Let's give an example: There are certain types of documents, such as legal documents, which require quite a lot of attention. Jury translation can represent you in a courtroom, and the slightest mistake can make you lose money. If you call an experienced translator and you need this kind of translation, it is advisable to ask for a translation from another translator.

Everything has to be done to be sure of the truth of the information. Another type of translations that can be included in the verification process are translations for auctions. They enter the auction process, and an extremely small mistake can lead to the loss of the auction. Everything has to be done with great care, because the translation of the documents will use a language appropriate to the style.

Why are mistakes made in translating?

It is very easy to see how this chain links. It is also easy to see and where the wrong first step goes. The Translation Bureau lowers the price to get more customers -> the client is turning to that company the translator is paid a lower amount and will need to focus more on quantity than on quality -> the translation completed, does not have the level expected professionalism.

+40 753-381-381

There are some situations where the translation does not need any verification (eg translation of an identity card). For exceptional situations, where the document is very important and has various uses, it would still be preferable to resort to its verification.

How important is checking a translation for certain papers?

How much attention is paid to verifying translations?

verify translations

You can not risk losing a collaboration agreement between two companies. Think that only one term can destroy this contract. This is why you will need to call for a check when the level of translation is important or high. Verification of a translation should be done by a translator who has more than 7 years of experience. Certainly, when verifying a translation, you will need to follow a strict number of steps.

The document should be scanned (to see which category it belongs to), to determine the type of language used, and the country in which it will be used should be seen. For example: English used in the UK differs pretty much from English common in the United States.

Are there any mistakes in verifying a translation?

The error level will be much lower than the previous one. In addition, if the translation went out after verification, it means that the company or translator you have previously called for deserves your trust. I repeat once again: It is advisable to use this service only when the translation is very important.

You can call for translations when the translation does not fit into a particular pattern. I need a translation to be verified. Where can I find you? Our translation office for Bucharest is located on Dorobanti street, no. 36-40, sector 1. We expect both translation services and all the necessary support. Currently we have two workplaces in Ilfov county, but for Bucharest, you can come to our translation headquarters in Piata Romana. Thank you!

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+40 753-381-381

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Posted in The Translation Blog An AQuality blog | Updated in November 29, 2024

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