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Translations Bucharest - Authorized and Legalized ( updated in 2025 )

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Translations in Bucharest at AQT. Authorized and legalized translations in Bucharest. Bucharest certified and legalized translations by AQualityTranslation to the Romanian market. Translations are authorized and legalized, with professionals.

Foreign languages


AQualityTranslation provides professional translators with experience in the city of Bucharest. What do experienced translators mean? Let's get into the subject...

First of all, all of our translators are from Bucharest. In this way we have the chance to test their abilities as efficiently as possible. We've collected the best translators for every foreign language. To have give our services in a professional manner we distributed the translators according to the specialize category. So, we have managed to have a database of medical translators, technical translators, etc. at the moment.

+40 753-381-381

We believe in many ways that this action has been an innovative element for the translation market.

You can also go to the Bing Maps page to better see the position of our translation office. The legalized and authorized translations from Bucharest through AQualityTranslation provides professional translators with experience in their field. What do experienced translators mean? Well, let's get into the subject...

- Where is our translation office? The translation services provided by AQualityTranslation are in Bucharest. Our headquarters are very close to the Romanian square, and all translations are made by authorized translators.

We can also make legalized translations for you, without having to worry about a notary office. Our headquarters are in Bucharest, Dorobanti Street, no. 36-40, ground floor, RO.

- What are we doing differently on the translation market in Bucharest? As we mentioned above, our Authorized Translation Office offers over 70 foreign languages.

We bring for the first time in Bucharest, technical translators, focused on the technical branches. We provide translators for auctions as well as other fields of activity.

It is important to come to the world of translations in Bucharest with new elements and quality services. Thus, we will be able to distinguish ourselves from the competition and we will have a difference, because our main goal is to have all the customers pleased.

+40 753-381-381

It is also important for us to bring the most experienced translators in our company. Depending on the portfolio of translators, we managed to choose the best ones in the Bucharest market.

We want to inform our customers with every detail. That is why we choose the translators and we put them in different categories. By this situation we have translators in the medicine or in the juridical area.

We think it does not help if the translator knows the language at an advanced level. He will also have to be specialized on a particular niche. So he will have the power to sustain the difficulty of these documents.

But plenty of praising. Let's give some useful information. Let's illustrate how the field of translations evolved in Romania and especially in Bucharest.

The translation market in the capital of Romania and in the world ( the evolution of the Bucharest translation domain )

How did the translators and certified translation offices in Romania and Bucharest evolved?

Translation services in Bucharest

20 years ago the translation market was still in its infancy, and the need for this service was almost non-existent. In Bucharest, in 1997, there were 6 translation offices, specialized only in English. As any field, in the beginning, the quality of services may seem precarious.

As time passed, the number of translation offices in Bucharest increased enormously. This situation did not bring the growth of quality for the translated documents.

+40 753-381-381

Why do we say this statement? Oftenly, the authorized translation offices didn't need the translated documents to be legalized. Which led to a weak regulation and the impossibility of verifying the translator's authorization.

At the same time, the prices in Bucharest for certified translation ( per page ) were enormous. Because there was no competition, the prices were put to the "will of fate". Any business sector has a Dark Ages period.

- What does Dark Ages mean, exactly? In the world of translations, this period was between 1995-2001. Once again, the increase in the number of foreigners in Bucharest and the rest of the country, has rised the desire for a higher level of quality in translations. So after 2002, translators began to become more experienced for the translated language.

After 2005, once the technology was developing, translators were able to verify their information through translated programs. With Google Translate, the number of translators has increased sharply. Thus, in this way, greater accuracy was achieved for the quality of the translated documents.

Why was it necessary to change the Bucharest authorized translation system?

+40 753-381-381

Everything starts with translators... Translators have so far been specialized in a particular foreign language. For example: A translator who learns Italian can translate documents from the Romanian language into Italian and vice versa.

He needed to finish legalized and authorized courses, which he had to bring to an advanced level. Also, the completion of the Faculty of Foreign Languages in Bucharest will have the same equivalent. However, in any foreign language there are domains and categories. For example: the commercial field. It contains several commercial terms, as well as the juridical field, it contains many juridical terms.

When a translator becomes able to translate into a certain niche, he will be specialized in that niche. - What does the translator mean must be specialized on a particular niche? If the translator is specialized on a category, he must have the ability to translate niche documents quite easily and with great accuracy. However, to find out what field the translator is involved, he will have to be tested.

Authorizations of translation agencies in Bucharest

In Bucharest and in the rest of the country, there is no accreditation for authorized companies that can demonstrate the ability to engage in translations. However, ITI accreditation, as well as other accreditations from the European Union, provide this opportunity for legalized translation offices.

+40 753-381-381

How does the translation market in Bucharest currently work?

The Bucharest translation market had a pretty good turn. The quality of the translations has improved a lot. Similarly, translators level has improved enormously. Currently you will find in Bucharest not only translators specializing in a certain language, but also translators adapted to a certain niche.

Out of the quality of the translated documents, the time of their realization has diminished quite a bit. At this time, the birth certificate can be translated in just two hours after the document was handed over.

Typified documents can be translated very quickly by the authorized translation offices in Bucharest. Quality, in a very short time!

Types of authorized and legalized translations made in Bucharest by AQualityTranslation

The types of translations made by AQualityTranslation for Bucharest

Legalized technical translations in Bucharest

The technical translation system is based on terms attached to the technical field. They differ as a construction of common terms. Also, their placement in expression should only be done in a technical context. Because the document belongs to the engineering field, it will greatly depend on the form of expression used. Thus, the translator focused on this branch has the possibility to understand the document through technical aspects.

For this field of translations, a language appropriate to the domain should be used. Our translation company in Bucharest, has all the translators registered at all the notary offices in Piata Romana. Thus, all technical translations will be legalized directly.

Authorized translations at AQualityTranslation

There is, however, a difference between technical and specialized translations. The difference is how to use the vocabulary. Therefore, for a technical translation, the translation will be based largely on technical terms, while specialized translation will work on a diversified use of the vocabulary.

The specialized translations are made by authorized translators who have more than 10 years experience in the field of translations. They adapt their language for any type of document, and their translations depend on a varied use of the vocabulary.

Juridical translations and translations for auctions

The model for juridical translations is a special one. Let's find out why? For this kind of documents, the translator will need to have legal knowledge. In order to obtain this knowledge he will have to gain this speech naturally. However, the translator will need to have a portfolio of translated juridical documents.

+40 753-381-381

Because the documents have a great deal of significance, the translator will have to portray this portfolio. Another translation profile is the one used for auctions. These do not belong to a field of translation, but depend very much on certain factors. To see more details about this type of tugs, go here.

Legalized Authorized Translations - Made by AQualityTranslation are made by experienced translators. Each translator is specialized in one or more areas of activity. What we rely on, when we say this statement.

If you need a juridical translation, it will be done by a translator who has juridical knowledge. These services are made available to customers in Bucharest and Otopeni, through direct transmission and collaboration. For the rest of the country the collaboration will be done by email and courier.

We want to offer quality in what we translate and that's why ... We are interested in having the services offered by our office as accurate as possible. Because of this, we focused not on price, but on quality.

- Where do you recruit translators?

+40 753-381-381

We recruited and we have tested the best translators in Bucharest. Our translators have over 10 years of experience. Since we only recruit translators from the capital, we have the opportunity to test their abilities at the end of each year. Due to their experience, depending on the niche they are part of, they will be able to check translations for other translators.

Authorized and Legalized Translations Market from Bucharest

- Do you deal with legalized translations? To save you from spending time on legalizing the translations, we include these services in the translation package.


It is very difficult to find a notary office after you have done the translation. The translation can be legalized only at the notary office where the translator is registered.

To get rid of this burden, we offer legalized translation services in Bucharest. Which will mean we will legalize translations for you.

Also, translators come with extensive experience and have the right to sign the translation - authorized and legalized translations in Bucharest - 0753 381 381.

This means that each translator is registered with the Ministry of Justice and is responsible for translating in the language in which he / she is accredited.

Our Bucharest certified translations company maintains a high level of professionalism. We offer you the necessary safety, providing with experienced authorized translators.

Reducing by the end of September 20% of the total translation price of every document

At AQualityTranslation now you have a 20% discount for Bucharest certified translations, Dorobanti street, no. 36-40. The translations are performed by translators with over 10 years experience in the field.

We are doing now, translations for emergency situation. The urgent translation module is designed for templates and other types of documents. Now, we have the new opportunity for you to translate the documents into English in less than an hour.

They will be authorized by two professional translators employed by the translation office in Romana Square. Authorized English Legalized Translations will be delivered to a nearby notary office. In less than an hour you will have certified and legalized translation. So you have a 20% discount on any translation and you will have the translation done in less than two hours.

+40 753-381-381

We now provide translation services in Bucharest

Our company has the main activity the translation section. We work directly with our clients in Bucharest, and indirectly with our customers in the rest of Romania. We can also make translations packages for our clients. We are also engaged in checking translations. Of course, the process will be done by another type of translator, but to find out more details about what it means, you need to click on: verifying translations.

Other translation services provided by AQualityTranslationn

+40 753-381-381

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Posted in The Translation Blog An AQuality blog | Updated in december 08, 2024

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